Do I need a license to use the X Platform?

Yes. The X Platform™  is comprised of open source modules (Hornet, Eagle, Robin, Lumino and Viper) that are all layered on a closed source module named Talon. Talon implements the core runtime of X Platform applications and requires a license to run. You can obtain a license at The act of creating a license will also automatically create a set of credentials for you to download the platform binaries from the Neeve repository. Once you have the license and binaries, you can start building and running X Platform applications.

Do I need to pay for the license?

The X Platform™ supports an evaluation, free, and subscription license.

Free License

A free license is a full featured license that allows you to use the platform with applications with a maximum of 8GB heap per JVM.

Subscription License

If you need more than an 8GB heap, then you would need a paid license to unlock the heap size limitation. Paid licenses are subscription based and include product maintenance and support.

Evaluation License

An evaluation license is a free subscription license that you can use for 90 days. It is available for you to evaluate capabilities of the platform not available with the free license.

Paid License

If you would like to use the platform for longer than 90 days and need more than an 8GB heap, then we will customize a paid subscription license depending on your needs and pattern of use. Please contact us for more information in this regard.

Can I get support for the open source module too?

Yes, paid licenses include support for all our software modules.

Can I get a perpetual license?

Yes. Since many of our customers use our open source modules, the subscription model tends to work best since it aligns the support of the open source and the license of the closed source while providing flexibility for increasing and decreasing of annual fees based on your business changes. However, we do offer a perpetual option to assist customers needing to use capital funding. Perpetual licenses are on a case-by-case, so please contact us to discuss your needs.

Do you offer Enterprise License Agreements?

We do offer ELAs to support enterprise-wide deployments of the X Platform™. ELA prices are on a case-by-case basis, so please contact us to discuss your needs.

Is on-premise pricing and cloud pricing the same?

Yes, our software and support pricing is consistent across cloud and on-premise use.

What is included in your support?

Our support subscription offers a range of service levels, which can include:

-    24/7 support

-    Response times as fast as 30 minutes based on SLA

-    Full application lifecycle support from development to operations

-    Emergency patches and hot bug fixes not yet included in the open source distributions

-    Unlimited number of support tickets via our support portal

-    Remote Support

-    Online access to documentation, technical resources, knowledge base, and discussion forums

-    Product updates and upgrades for licensed modules

-    Quarterly Customer Reviews to discuss enhancement request, review support profile, update support contacts, and upgrade planning

The support subscription plans map both to the size of the environment supported and the level of support (e.g., speed of response) required. Neeve provides both operational and development support options too.

Do you offer training or services?

Yes, we offer both customer-site classroom instruction and professional services. In addition to our staff, Neeve has partner organizations that also offer Professional Services engagements.